Petition calling on WMAS to keep ambulance at St Cross is going to Parliament - here's how to sign it

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Rugby MP Mark Pawsey is set to take the petition to Westminster later this week

Rugby MP Mark Pawsey is set to go to Parliament with a 4,000-signature petition calling on the ambulance service to keep an ambulance based at St Cross.

Rugbeians reacted with outrage after we reported that West Midlands Ambulance Service plans to remove the last ambulance based at St Cross in October.

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Resident Alison Livesey quickly created a petition which gathered thousands of signatures.

Earlier today she told the Advertiser that she had been sharing the petition with friends, family and neighbours across the town - with all of them being shocked at the plans.

And Rugby MP Mark Pawsey, who raised the issue in Parliament last week, now plans to return to Westminster with the petition.

Mr Pawsey said: “I want to thank Alison Livesey for organising this important petition, which I am very pleased to be able to present in Parliament.

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"Over 4,000 residents have signed the petition in under a week which is a clear indication of the deep concern felt by the local community over these proposals to close the Rugby Community Ambulance Station.

"I hope that West Midlands Ambulance Service will now urgently reconsider these proposals, and instead focus on improving and enhancing the facilities at the Hospital of St Cross as I have urged in my recent letter to their chief executive.”

Mr Pawsey will present the petition to parliament on Wednesday after the votes on the Opposition Day debate and before the Adjournment Debate - likely to be around 7/7.30pm.

Click here to view and sign the petition.