All children being moved out of Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre near Rugby following serious concerns

Rainsbrook STC.Rainsbrook STC.
Rainsbrook STC.
All 33 children will be moved out of the building

All children at the Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre are to be moved out of the site urgently following years of concerns.

Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland announced the move earlier today, June 16, amid what he described as 'serious ongoing concerns about safety and performance'.

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The centre, which holds children aged from 12 to 17, has been run by a for-profit company MTC since 2015 - before that it was run by G4S.

Inspectors previously warned MTC that the centre was treating some of the most vulnerable children in an unacceptable way - but a failure to act on these warnings has now prompted radical action.

The Lord Chancellor said: "Six months ago, I demanded that MTC take immediate action to fix the very serious failings at Rainsbrook.

"They have failed to deliver and I have been left with no choice but to ask that all children are moved elsewhere as soon as possible.

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"This move will help protect the public by ensuring often vulnerable children get the support they need to turn their lives around – ultimately resulting in fewer victims and safer streets.

"As part of the decision to explore options on the future of Rainsbrook STC: negotiations are ongoing with provider MTC on the future of the contract options may include bringing the STC back under public sector control and repurposing the site for alternative use.

"The Youth Custody Service will oversee the imminent transfer of the 33 children currently at Rainsbrook into other areas of the youth estate

"Preliminary findings from a recent Ofsted investigation – which rated the STC ‘inadequate’ – have further bolstered the case for immediate, remedial action. The full report will be published shortly."

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A spokesperson for the government added: "In January this year, a comprehensive action plan was issued to private provider MTC, which set out the vital and urgent measures necessary to ensure all young people at Rainsbrook were properly cared for.

"Despite addressing the most urgent concerns around children’s time out of their room, issuing two improvement notices and introducing robust monitoring, the government does not believe that the action taken by the provider over the last six months has done enough to resolve wider long-standing issues.

"As a result, the Lord Chancellor has decided to move all children from Rainsbrook and explore alternative options for the site."

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