Workshops launched to help small businesses in and around Leamington, Warwick and Kenilworth after challenging period

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The Federation of Small Businesses will be hosting a series of interactive online workshops with experts providing specialist information and advice on a range of topics that will benefit small firms

Late payments, mental health support and access to funding will all be covered in a series of free workshops aimed at helping small and micro businesses in Leamington, Warwick and Kenilworth with their recovery after an incredibly challenging period of trading conditions.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) will be hosting the series of interactive online workshops with experts providing specialist information and advice on a range of topics that will benefit small firms.

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Lee Osborne, FSB Warwickshire and Coventry development manager, said: “Small businesses have been through two years of turmoil, in which firms have once again shown their adaptability and resilience.

“With rising prices, staff and supply shortages and a National Insurance hike on the horizon, many small firms are rightly concerned.

"Alongside our continued lobbying efforts, we wanted to provide a further helping hand to small firms in the region via a series of sessions to arm small business owners with robust advice and information that can be easily implemented to help their businesses and spur our local economic recovery.

“FSB is delighted to be working with Warwick District Council on these workshops to provide further business support to local small firms and the self-employed across the Warwick District area.

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“From advice about debilitating late payments practice, which threatens hundreds of thousands of small firms across the country, to accessing funding, these sessions all touch on issues that our members regularly talk to us about.

"We hope as many businesses as possible can take advantage of these free sessions as they will only be available for a limited period.”

The online workshops are as follows:

February 9: Get Paid on Time

February 16: Access to Funding

March 1: Mental Health and wellbeing

March 9: How to avoid unfair and constructive dismissals

March 23: Being ready for the unexpected – Cyber security and business continuity planning

The workshops can be booked through the FSB website here.